Medical Conditions



Treatment Options:

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids, usually caused by an excess growth of bacteria ordinarily found on the skin. It can lead to itchy, red, and swollen eyelids. 

Dry Eye

Dry eye occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly, leading to irritation, redness, and blurred vision. Treatment often includes eye drops, lifestyle changes, and, in severe cases, procedures to block tear ducts.


Treatment Options:

Ectropion is a condition where the lower eyelid turns outward, failing to properly touch the eyeball, which can cause dryness and irritation. It typically occurs due to tissue relaxation associated with aging, though surgery may be required to correct it.


Treatment Options:

In entropion, the eyelid margin turns inward, causing the eyelashes to rub against the cornea, leading to irritation and discomfort. Surgical correction is often necessary to prevent damage to the eye.

Eyelid Deformities

Treatment Options:

Eyelid deformities can be congenital or result from trauma or disease, potentially affecting visual function and facial aesthetics. Treatment options vary widely, from surgical intervention to correct the deformity to nonsurgical approaches for milder cases.

Eyelid Lacerations

Treatment Options:

Eyelid lacerations are cuts or tears in the eyelid, often caused by trauma, which need careful surgical repair to prevent future functional and cosmetic issues. Prompt medical attention is crucial to ensure optimal healing and function.

Eyelid Cancers

Treatment Options:

Eyelid cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma, are relatively common but typically treatable malignancies of the eyelid. They require early detection and treatment. Surgery is the most common treatment, aiming to remove cancerous cells while preserving as much eyelid function as possible.


Treatment Options:

Epiblepharon is a condition where an extra fold of skin along the eyelid causes eyelashes to curve inward toward the eye, potentially leading to irritation. It is common in Asian populations and usually resolves on its own, though sometimes surgery is necessary.


Treatment Options:

Distichiasis is the abnormal growth of lashes from the oil glands in the eyelid, which can irritate the eye. Treatments may include eyelash removal or surgery.

Styes (Chalazia)

Treatment Options:

  • Warm compresses

A stye or chalazion is a blocked oil gland in the eyelid that leads to a swollen, red, and painful lump. Warm compresses and good eyelid hygiene can help manage and resolve styes, though sometimes medical treatment is necessary.

Eyelid Lesions

Treatment Options:

Eyelid lesions can vary from benign to malignant growths, with treatment depending on the type. Regular monitoring and, in some cases, surgical removal are recommended.


Treatment Options:

Symblepharon is the abnormal adhesion of the eyelid to the eyeball, typically resulting from injury or disease. Treatment often involves surgery to restore normal lid function.


Treatment Options:

Trichiasis involves the misdirection of eyelashes toward the eyeball, causing discomfort and potential corneal damage. Treatment options include eyelash removal or corrective surgery.


Treatment Options:

Xanthelasma is a yellowish plaque that occurs most commonly near the inner corners of the eyelids and is associated with lipid disorders. Treatment is generally cosmetic and involves surgical removal, laser surgery, or cryotherapy.


Orbital Implants

Orbital implants are used after an eye’s enucleation to replace lost orbital volume and support the attachment of an artificial eye, enhancing cosmetic appearance and eyelid function.

Orbital Tumors

Treatment Options:

Orbital tumors can affect all age groups and may present with bulging eyes, vision loss, and changes in eye movement. Treatment varies based on the type and may include surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

Orbital Fractures

Treatment Options:

Orbital fractures occur around the eye socket due to trauma and can lead to issues like double vision and numbness. Treatment may involve surgical repair, especially if the fracture impacts vision or eye movement.

Graves Ophthalmopathy

Treatment Options:

Graves’ ophthalmopathy involves inflammation and other symptoms affecting the eyes, commonly associated with thyroid disease, leading to bulging eyes and vision problems. Treatments may include medication, surgery, or radiation therapy.

Thyroid Orbitopathy

Treatment Options:

  • Treating thyroid conditions accordingly

Similar to Graves’ ophthalmopathy, this autoimmune inflammatory condition affects the muscles and tissues around the eyes, associated with thyroid problems. Management includes treating the underlying thyroid condition and addressing the eye symptoms specifically.

What are the most effective treatments for blepharitis?

The most effective treatment for your blepharitis depends on the symptoms you’re experiencing. Self-care (including cleansing your eyes daily), antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and treatments to address any underlying conditions are all effective treatment options for blepharitis.

How can ectropion affect my eye health, and when is surgery necessary?

Ectropion can significantly affect your eye health by causing dryness, irritation, and corneal damage. This is caused by the eyelid sagging away from the eye, and surgery is usually recommended when patients experience significant discomfort or if there are signs of corneal damage.

What causes entropion, and how is it corrected?

There are a range of causes of entropion, including genetics, aging, infection, and inflammation. It can be corrected with a surgical procedure that tightens and repositions the eyelid muscle, restoring proper alignment.

Are all eyelid deformities treatable, and what options are available?

Unfortunately, not all eyelid deformities are treatable, but many conditions are at least manageable or can be improved. What the options are greatly depends on the eye deformity and the extent of the issue. Your provider will talk through your options with you during your appointment.

How urgent is medical attention for eyelid lacerations?

Most of the time, eye lacerations require immediate medical attention. This is especially the case if the cut is deep, affects the eyeball, or involves an object. If the laceration is through the lacrimal system, to be properly repaired, it can be delayed for the right specialist to treat it.

What are the early signs of eyelid cancer, and how is it typically treated?

Early signs of eyelid cancer include changes in the eyelid skin, like sores, bumps, or discolored areas, as well as the loss of lashes. Changes in the color of the eyelid skin and sores that don’t heal can also be signs. Eyelid cancer is typically treated with surgery, where the sore or area of skin is removed. Radiation and chemotherapy are also options.

Is epiblepharon common in adults, or is it primarily a condition in children?

Epiblepharon is much more common in children, especially children in East Asian and Hispanic populations. The condition is very rare in adults, but it is possible.

How does distichiasis differ from normal eyelash growth, and what are the treatment options?

Distichiasis is a condition where an extra row of eyelashes grows from an abnormal location on the eyelid. Its usually related to severe blepharitis. The treatment options include electrolysis, cryotherapy, laser treatment, and surgical removal. But the cause has to be treated as well.

When should I be concerned about an eyelid lesion?

If anall eyelid lesions need to be removed starts to change in shape, size, or color, it’s typically something you should be concerned about. You should also have an eyelid lesion looked at if it’s bleeding, scabs, or ulcerated.

What is symblepharon, and how does it impact vision?

Symblepharon is a condition where the lining of the inner eyelid adheres to the surface of the eyeball. It can restrict eye movement and can potentially lead to vision loss if left untreated. It is really related to serious systemic issue if there were no other ocular surgeries or deceases.

Tear Duct and Eye Surface

Lacrimal Disorders

Treatment Options:

Lacrimal disorders affect the lacrimal system, which is responsible for tear production and drainage. They lead to symptoms like tearing or dry eyes, and treatments range from duct probing to surgery.


Treatment Options:

Excessive tearing can arise from irritants, allergies, or obstructions in the tear drainage system. Treatment depends on the cause and may involve medications or surgery to correct any anatomical issues.


Evisceration is the removal of the contents of the eye while leaving the scleral shell and ocular muscles intact. It is often performed to relieve pain in a blind eye or after severe infection or trauma.


Treatment Options:

Enucleation involves the surgical removal of the entire eyeball, typically due to severe trauma, painful blind eye, or cancer. Orbital implants and prosthetic eyes help restore facial symmetry post-procedure.


Treatment Options:

Enophthalmos is the posterior displacement of the eye within the orbit, often resulting from trauma. It leads to a sunken appearance. Treatment generally focuses on correcting the underlying cause, often requiring surgery.

Mohs Closure

Mohs closure refers to the surgical repair of the eyelid following Mohs micrographic surgery, a procedure used to treat skin cancer with a high cure rate. The repair is essential for restoring function and appearance.

Ocular Rosacea

Treatment Options:

  • Topical Medications
  • Lifestyle Modifications

Ocular rosacea is an extension of the skin condition rosacea that affects the eyes, causing redness, irritation, and swollen eyelids. Management includes oral and topical medications and lifestyle modifications.

Canalicular Laceration

Treatment Options:

Canalicular laceration involves a tear in the canalicular system, part of the tear drainage system near the eyelids. Surgical repair is necessary to restore proper tear drainage and prevent chronic tearing.