3 Things You Should Know Before Getting an Eyelid Lift

More than 210,000 people underwent eyelid surgery last year, according to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, making it the third-most-popular cosmetic procedure among women and the second-most among men.
The popularity of the surgery is really no surprise: After all, the eyes are one of the first features most people notice, so it makes sense to keep them looking their best, especially as we get older.
At Rostami OPC in Reston, Virginia, our team uses the most advanced eyelid lift techniques to improve the appearance of eyelids, reducing wrinkles and sagging that can make you look years older than you feel.
If youve been wondering whether an eyelid lift could improve your appearance (and your self-confidence), here are three things you should know about the procedure.
You can combine an eyelid lift with other procedures
An eyelid lift can do wonders for your eyes and for your overall facial appearance. But like any surgery, it does have its limitations. Eyelid lift surgery uses special techniques to treat issues like:
- Loose eyelid skin or sagging upper lids
- Puffy bags under the eyes
- Fatty deposits around the lids
- Droopy lower eyelids
All of these issues can make your eyes look tired and worn out, instantly aging your entire face. Eyelid surgery can correct issues in the upper lid, lower lid, or both, depending on your needs.
Still, as effective as eyelid surgery is at eliminating signs of aging, its not intended to address every issue around your eyes. For instance, it wont erase crows feet or furrows between your brows. Nor will it lift a sagging or brooding brow.
The good news: Eyelid lift surgery can be combined with other procedures and treatments, like a brow lift and Botox® injections, to rejuvenate the entire eye and brow areas, so you look more youthful, refreshed, and alert.
During your consultation, we review your concerns and discuss the treatment options that will work best for getting you the results you want.
Recovery is straightforward but it takes some time to see the end results
After your surgery, you have some mild discomfort around the surgical sites, and your vision might be a bit blurry for a little while. Dryness and light sensitivity can also occur, but again, these are temporary side effects that go away in a few days.
In the meantime, wearing dark glasses, avoiding bright lights, using cold compresses, and applying eye drops can help you stay comfortable.
You also need to avoid wearing contacts and eye makeup for a few weeks to prevent infection and speed healing. Most people return to their normal routines within a couple weeks, once healing is well under way.
Initial improvements are apparent once your swelling resolves, but it can take a few months to see the final results. Eyelid surgery results are long-lasting, but of course, time marches on and that means the effects of aging will march on, too.
Taking good care of your skin and wearing sunglasses to protect your eye area will help you maintain your results for as long as possible.
There are nonsurgical alternatives
Eyelid lift surgery is extremely effective in improving the way your eyelids look, but if youre not quite ready for surgery, other proven treatments offer less dramatic results. For instance:
- Botox injections in your forehead and around your brow can provide a gentle lift for your brows, which in turn can subtly elevate your upper lids.
- Laser resurfacing can help tighten your skin to gently lift lids while getting rid of fine lines as well.
- The EndyMed 3DEEPTM system can help gently tighten the skin around your eyes and brows for less sagging and drooping.
Often, two or more options are combined to address multiple areas of concern. Of course, your results wont be as noticeable with nonsurgical alternatives, and youll need frequent touch-ups to maintain those results.
Still, if youre not sure surgery is right for you right now, you can discuss these options during your consultation.
Learn more about eyelid lift surgery
As a leading oculofacial plastic surgeon practice in Reston, Virginia, our team is dedicated to helping each patient achieve optimal results, using state-of-the-art technology and a customized approach thats based on the individual patients unique goals and needs.
If your eyes are making you look older than you feel, eyelid lift surgery could be just what youve been looking for. To learn more, call Rostami OPC at 571-252-3697 or book online to schedule an appointment today. You can also send a message to the team here on our website.